lunes, 9 de junio de 2008

(Introduction) A little bit about "Vanuatu"

"Land eternal", a sentence that take us back to the story of "peter pan" or to the never ending story. Well, this is the translation of the native word from an archipelago "vanuatu", this word is also the name of a number that was given to a group of 83 islands with "Y" form in the south pacific, near to Australia.

Vanuatu is a country that was British-French colony that proclaimed its independence in 1980. This free land has a very mixed culture, with many natives that have different customs. The estimated population is about 218.000 people, speak languages like: Bislama (Pidgin), English, French and over 100 tribal languages, but the official’s ones are the French and English because they were colony of this two countries. The touristic activities that are able to do in those islands go from the simple ecological hikes, kayaking or adventure plans, all the way to the wildest nights in some downtown clubs. The culture of the country can be divided in three: the north, the center and the south, each one of them very different one another because de foreign influence and the local regional variations.

This blog is going to show a few things about the country and is going to develop the ideas that I have announced above to give people some information tools so they can travel to meet the land or just for their knowledge.

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