miƩrcoles, 25 de junio de 2008




martes, 24 de junio de 2008


This video is about Kava, it`s a traditional coctel in Vanuatu....In this Blog you can find some things of Kava and its preparation...I hope to you enjoy it...


Beliefs and Cultural identity in Vanuatu

Vanuatu`s people are native population and they feel very proud of thier customs and mysterious rituals. This feeling is expressed through cultural identity, for this, Vanuatu is community beliefs have made this values the most important in the country.

In the Island, there are many rituals in honor to their gods and what they can transmit that`s way, they make the Kava Ritual and they use this ritual to communicate with their ancestors. Also, they sing amazing songs and dance to praise them. Vanuatu`s people created " Eco-tours" and they allow to foreing people be a part of these astonishing moments, due to tourist have contact with Vanuatu land and for this they can transmit the Vanuatu Cultural identity to the world.

In addition, Vanuatu`s government has made laws to protect the precious beliefs. The principal objetive of laws are to conserve customs and beliefs through all young generations. For example, the school must teach to kids the pride that they must show in the moment that they praise the gods through rituals. All these, because the government thought that it is necessary to conserve and transmit their cultural identity.

Finally, beliefs are forming the cultural identity in a country. In vanuatu, they are directly related with this value. Besides, The Vanuatu`s community feel proud of this value and they try to conserve it.

domingo, 22 de junio de 2008

VANUATU: Legend of Happiness in the south pacific ( Video)

This video show all amazing things about Vanuatu, for example it teachs you that Vanuatu is an island that has several permanently active volcanoes . Also, it shows you its people, its touristics places and its hotels...... For this reason Vanuatu is a unforgettable experience......enjoy it


viernes, 20 de junio de 2008



The values are moral and positive characteristics that people have, they help society to live in harmony and peace. But, there are some people called criminals that use these values to facilities their crimes and they affect other people with them.

Charles Manson is a dangerus criminal en Unitates states, he with great intelligence and his facility to do friends could win the confidence of a group of people that respected and admirated him; with these people he created “The Family” and they are a criminal congregation that under command of Manson they made innumerable murders. On the other hand, Manson thought that if he wanted his plans went out well , every members of “ The Family” should respected and collaborated between them. Besides, this group thougth that their leader ( Manson) was the bravest in the world because he did his crimes without care the risk neither the consequence of his actions and for this reason the Charles´s followers wanted to be similar to their leader due to they began to make a lot of crimes in publics places in where there were many riskes to be captured.

Some analyst doctors thought that the Manson’s thoughts was mental disorders instead criminal attitudes, however, one of the follower declared that Manson had a huge power of conviction and he induced to comite murders in order to had union, love and peace in the group where the belong. Besides, they said that Charles Mason taught and gave example about how to kill their victims. It’s that so, that in total the police found 50 deaths that Manson and his family committed.

Finally, Manson was a famous assassin and he used his values to killed other people and at the same time he influenced a group of people to committed crimes and with all these he harmed at all American society. If he had used his values to improve the community, he had been a good leader.


In this link, you will found anything about Vanuatu´s government, its economy and its industry.... For example, The president serves a 5-year term. The prime minister, who is the head of government, is elected by a majority vote of a three-fourths quorum of the Parliament. The prime minister and the Council constitute the executive government.....Check it out this link and learn more about this country....



This video show you all astonishing places that Vanuatu island have. Besides, Vanuatu's people make a ecological tour, in where you can practice kayak or you can do long walks in the forest, also you can swim in beautiful and mighty rivers.... This country has a lot of natural places and you can interact with differents animals and plants....Enjoy it


jueves, 19 de junio de 2008


The eagles are the most important animal in Albania because they live in Albania’ mountains and they change several times their body in their life. When they are young they hunt every animal but when grow they became in not productive birds because they don’t hunt and their body changes. The abilities of eagles are similar to Albania People.

The most important animal in Latvia are wolfs. They are amazing animals because they have a hug and fast body and beautiful eyes. On the other hand, wolfs live in the forest in a socials groups and they are compose for the leader of the group and its descent and everyone defend their territory and they mark it with urine. Wolfs are using like transport in all country and they are similar to the dogs.

The values are necessary quality in the world because people need it for a harmonica and peaceful life. They are divided in two groups: several values and moral values. The last ones are the most important. All population should practice the moral values because is not enough that people are beautiful and healthy if they don’t use the values like tolerance, respect, honesty and friendship.

Khieu Samphan was a politic leader of Cambodia; he helped his community in some aspects like health and educations, but from my point of view Khieu wasn`t a good leader because he affected his population and he didn`t help his country because he was arrested for some crimes and he killed a lot of people.

Ahmed Bey Zogu, was a Albania's president and he helped in the growth of this country. He created many strategies for increase the economy and cultural development. I think that a leader think in his population and this president did it and I think that though Bey had many problems in this government he tried to improve this country besides he introduced many influence of other countries and it contributed in the Albania's economy.

Valdis Zatlers is a president of Latvia, he is triying to improve to national industry, for this reason, he is doing a lot relationships with ohter countries because he wants that his country be a part of the globalization. I think that he recives donations of this patients, this doesn`t affects the Zatlers`s government because sometimes tha patients are thanksful with their doctors. Also, I think that doctors are excellents leader because they always think in the community and this president do it .

Kimun Asner is a Latvian´s criminal. His victims are kids and he prefers inoffensive children that don´t have parents. He deceived a lot of kids because he said a lot of lies and after he raped and killed them. In total, he murdered 146 children and he is waiting the death sentence because he abused tortured and assassinated them.

Albania has had different leaders in its history, but the best leader was Ahmed Bey Zogu because he helped to improve the Albania´s economy with international relationships, for example, Italy introduced its influence in this country and it increased the economy in 65%.

The values are very important in the family because they help to grow the society. There are some people didn’t have the family and they didn’t received love and values , for this reason, these some people became criminal. For example, in Cambodia is Fashan Camboshi, he is accused for illegal trafficking of women for prostitution. He deceived women and he promise better life, money and good reputation but when they arrived to other country they were prostitutes

Luis Eduardo Garzon was the Bogota´s Mayor, he was representative leader because he improved Bogota city, for example he had helped poor people and he built some school in marginal neighborhoods. For the other way, Lucho created “Education with dignity” program because he thought that children needed to have a good nutrition for study.

miƩrcoles, 18 de junio de 2008

Vanuatu's Good leader

Vanuatu is a native island and it's trying to develops it in politics, economy and international relationships. Vanuatu has had some leaders that have contributed in this evolution. Ham Lini was primer minister of this island and he was a good leader because he was openminded and he helped to improve Vanuatu.

Han Lini was primer minister in 2004, he put in Vanuatu the Malinesa democratic because it tried to think in all community. Also, Ham Lini began to cultive in the Vanuatu's government the importance of culture identity and nowadays this value is the most importance in all country because Ham Lini created laws about this. On the other hand, this leader contributed about 20% to total exports. He improve the transport for travels of trade as well. Besides, he was doing excellents relationships with others countries like Cuba and Rusia because he thougth that Vanuatu needed the influence and money of developed countries for increase the economy in Vanuatu.

Never the less, others Vanuatu's presidents thougth that Ham Lini was the worst leader in archipelago's history because he was a corrupt person and he lost a lot of money in his government. Besides, they said that Line introduced the influence to intimidate countries and they affected the culture of Vanuatu, however, native people of island loved Ham Lini because he helped them and he cultivated the culture identity and free speach values in their community.

To sum up, Ham Lini is a huge leader because he tried to improve his country and he introduced some values that today Vanuatu`s are preserving.