viernes, 20 de junio de 2008


The values are moral and positive characteristics that people have, they help society to live in harmony and peace. But, there are some people called criminals that use these values to facilities their crimes and they affect other people with them.

Charles Manson is a dangerus criminal en Unitates states, he with great intelligence and his facility to do friends could win the confidence of a group of people that respected and admirated him; with these people he created “The Family” and they are a criminal congregation that under command of Manson they made innumerable murders. On the other hand, Manson thought that if he wanted his plans went out well , every members of “ The Family” should respected and collaborated between them. Besides, this group thougth that their leader ( Manson) was the bravest in the world because he did his crimes without care the risk neither the consequence of his actions and for this reason the Charles´s followers wanted to be similar to their leader due to they began to make a lot of crimes in publics places in where there were many riskes to be captured.

Some analyst doctors thought that the Manson’s thoughts was mental disorders instead criminal attitudes, however, one of the follower declared that Manson had a huge power of conviction and he induced to comite murders in order to had union, love and peace in the group where the belong. Besides, they said that Charles Mason taught and gave example about how to kill their victims. It’s that so, that in total the police found 50 deaths that Manson and his family committed.

Finally, Manson was a famous assassin and he used his values to killed other people and at the same time he influenced a group of people to committed crimes and with all these he harmed at all American society. If he had used his values to improve the community, he had been a good leader.

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